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Monday, June 14, 2010

Day by day passing by...
And I do not know if I have done enough good deeds to others...
As far as I know...
I'm using my my mouth to say bad things about others...
Using my ears to hear things that should not..
Or using every single cell on my body for something that I know I should not do....

It doesn't mean I give up and let the evil take over my soul completely...
I'm still trying my best, wholeheartedly to live my life according to God's will...
But, once in a while...
No matter how hard I'm trying to move away....
I still fall into the Devil temptation...

I'm a sinner
But I'm not proud of it...
I want to enter the HEAVEN that God has promise me...

I believe in God's salvation..
And I believe in a forgiveness of sins...
And I won't take these for granted....
I will fight for the goodness in me....
To fight the evil in me...

And I know..
In the end..
Between the battle of GOOD and EVIL...
EVIL always lose..
And GOOD things will always win....

And it all depend on you and me...
Either you choose the GOOD way..
or the BAD way...