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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Swaying Away....

I did go to church every Sunday or usually it was on Saturday's evening, the Sunset Mass..
Once in a while, I didn't attended a mass only because one reason, laziness...

I wish I can be a good christian...
But wishing alone is not enough..
Efforts are needed...

I seldom pray...
Sometimes I forgot...
Sometimes because I don't think it is necessary... which I know is very STUPID of me to ever think like that...

I WANT to pray...

I only pray when I need something or when I get what I want...
Or when thing get tough and my prayers were answered....

I said bad things to others...
I have bad thoughts...

I'm afraid of God because of my sin...
I'm so unworthy for him but still, I am showered with many blessings and graces everyday in my life....

I want to be thankful..
I want to be grateful..

Please Dear Lord....
Banish all evils that conquering my soul...
Free me from their chains....

Forgive me for all my sins...
Don't ever let me take your love for granted...
