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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Forgiveness of sins

Do you remember the part in a bible during the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ?
He was crucified with two others men, both a thieves....
The story where 1 of the thieves mocked Jesus and the others humbly said that Jesus doesn't deserve to be there among them because they are a sinners and He (Jesus) is Son Of God

Jesus said to the the humble one that his sins is forgiven because He believe and accept that he has sinned.

My point here,
Jesus is forgivable...
No matter how much we had sinned....
Or how heavy our sins are..


Jesus forgives...
It only takes you to believe Him...
To  be back at the right path....
To regret all the mistakes that you had done...
And turn to a new leaf....

There's always a U-turn....
And God will always accept u with an open hand...

"The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion"-Numbers 14:18