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Friday, April 16, 2010

Human Strength Alone Is Inadequate

Dear Lord,
I feel so weak right now...
The things at workplace is very stressful..
I don't know how much of these I can handle anymore

I know everything that had happened in my life,and yet to be,
there must be a reason a for it

So, I pray for you Lord
Let You be the one who guide me..
Let you be the one to shows me the way when I'm lost in this maze of uncertainty

I don't want to regret every time I make a wrong turn in my life,
But I want it to be well learned lesson in my life so I won't do the same mistake again

In everything I do in my life
I want you Lord to be part of it
I'm nothing without you Lord....

I give all what I have into your hand
Because you are My Only Lord
